
Thursday, March 15, 2012



It's honestly not something I think of too often. I watched a video today that is below this post that changed my perspective. Not a lot of things are that powerful. And the video isn't "blow you out of the water" spectacular. It's simple. Francis Chan has a simple idea he is trying to get across.

I'm going to be completely honest here and that is kinda hard because I feel stupid for feeling the way I do sometimes. Often I stress about the stuff of this world. What I have, how I look, how others see me and my family and my house and my blah blah blah. Sometimes I actually worry that I will miss out on something or lose friends if I'm not of this world. How lame right? Well I told you I was gonna be honest. I need to be more like Paul in the sense that I keep my eyes forward on the finish line.

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:14

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

(Sorry you had to work Papa. We love you too!)

NINI IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say Buddy is beside himself with happiness :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Oh JJ Heller! I am so blessed by the words that God puts into her heart to share with this world. This song feels like it floated straight from my heart. I love my three boys so much. Even though we have rough times where we all feel stressed, the sunshine in my life is looking at their faces at the dinner table or when they're all wrestling on the floor. Thank you Dear Lord for the sweet sweet men you put in my life. I love them so :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Oh this blog. I think about it everyday. I am just too lazy busy to come up with an exciting blog post. We'll be home soon enough so this blog may not be needed anymore. We'll see. For now I like reading other blogs and popping into my own every once in a while. Here is what's keeping me busy :)

Isaac likes to take the camera and photograph his brother. I like Landon's serious look here.
And again :)

Isaac and his monkeys. His imagination is amazing to me :)

We went to an animal rescue farm near Fayetteville and this guy below was eating out of our hands on the trail ride. The boys loved it, but I didn't get many good photos of them.

Above is a teapot I added to my collection from the thrift store in town. Up to four. Collections have to start somewhere :)

We watched our friends kiddos a few weeks ago so they could go on a date and then switched and they did the same for us the next night. It was wonderful! These guys were loving watching Cars.

This beauty was an awesome Craigslist find. Picked it up Monday and can't say I hate it. It's beauty gives me the motivation to use it. And the few times we've been out the boys love it. I know Isaac likes that they don't have to look around the the person in front of them like our other double stroller. It glides and I can't wait to use it when Nini comes out here in a few days :)
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