
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Well Hello There 2012!

It's already 2012? I say this all the time, and I think it's part of growing up and also becoming a parent, but where did the time go? This year I will have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. Wow! I am very excited to see what 2012 has for the Fisher family. Mr. and I were talking on the way home from MO about what our new years resolutions would be. Mine are as follows!

*Make time for my DAILY quiet time.
*Take the boys outside everyday (for just a bit if it's cold).
*Be in the moment as much as possible.
*Continue trying to live a healthy lifestyle (isn't this on everyone's list?)
*Save more for a future down payment on a house. Live like no one else so later we can live like no one else as my money guru would say :) And my dad...
*Dress up for my sweetie more just because (hey I didn't say these would all be deep)

I believe these are all do-able. I'm up for it. I'm excited to be home from our 19 day stay in MO with our families. Below are just a few of the pictures from our trip :)

The boys the night we left
Opening some presents early
Making candy at Grandma's house
Chatting with Great Grandpa about his watch
Celebrating the true meaning of Christmas. Blowing out Jesus' birthday candles :) My favorite part of the night!
Christmas morning
And my sweet 3 year old singing his favorite song :)

1 comment:

  1. how cute!! glad you had a lovely trip home and a wonderful christmas celebrating the true meaning of the holiday :)

    happy new year!


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