
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Whats Coming Up

We've been doing a lot of relaxing around here.  We are resting up for the busy next few months we plan on having.

Buddy starts soccer 

Buddy also starts preschool 

We find out the gender of sweet baby #3

Papa comes to visit

Birthdays and Holidays :) Our favorite time of year

Baby #3 makes their debut



We're excited obviously about all of these things and just being able to enjoy our last few months on the east coast!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Number 3

It still gives me butterflies to see my sweet babies for the first time :)

We feel very blessed to be welcoming another little one into our family early next year.

Here he or she is!

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14

Sunday, July 15, 2012

26 Years

Happy Birthday to my sweet husband!

We love you so much Chance!  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

More Vacation Pictures

     A few days after we got there Chance and I headed to Branson to spend a couple days at the lake with my best friend Emilee and her family.  It was a blast and one of our favorite parts about being home.  I spent my summers growing up at the lake with my family and Emilee's.  I love the relaxing and the chatting with my bestie :)  I can't wait until our kids are older and we can all camp together.  Someday :)
My silly man 


Chance and Em's hubby Daniel jumped off the cliffs.  They were very high since the water was down.  That's Chance in mid-air.

Chance trying to ski :)
(He'll love me for posting this one)


Em and I showing everyone how it's done.  Emilee can only "ski with one ski".
 Show off :)

The morning of the 4th we watched Nini run in the town's 5k

Buddy helped Nini run across the finish line! He was in heaven :)

The boys did a lot of playing outside even though it was warm.  The boys loved all of Papa's riding toys

We also visited my Grandpa who is staying in a home in my hometown.  He was doing great and I was really glad we had the time to see him :)

     The rest of the 4th we spent playing outside.  The boys walked in a parade and Meemaw and Aunt Rayna came to watch and then out for ice cream.  Then we took Landon home to sleep and Chance and I took Isaac to see the fireworks.  I forgot my camera in the car but Isaac just had a huge grin on while watching.  It was a joy to watch :)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Last Vacation Home - - Part 1

     We've "gone home" for the last time.  Never again will we have to travel to our home state.  In a few months MO will be home again.  I am so grateful we're getting closer.  Our life in the Army has shown us just how important being near our families and having our children grow up there is to us.  The last few years have been exactly what we needed though.  God definitely had a plan for our little family when we joined the Army. 
     We spent a great 11 days at home.  I'll let a few of our pictures show the fun we had getting there and our first few days!  

Our good little flying boys

Seeing Papa for the first time.  Buddy kept saying "I missed you so much Papa!"

Playing at Nini's and Papa's

Playing at the park

Swimming at Aunt Lisa's with Aunt Rayna

Issac wasn't a fan of going in deep so he chilled on the steps or walked around
One of our first stops was my Mom's parent's house.  Landon was excited to see the tractors.

Seeing them for the first time

Happy guy

Driving with Nini

Playing with Great Grandpa Marvin

Being silly with Nini and Papa

Their favorite activity :)

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