
Saturday, April 14, 2012

A New Love


Who would have thought that running could be this fun?

I started out running a mile. Then two. Now three!

I feel accomplished. Silly I know, but this is a big feat for me. I feel like I can do anything!

I ran my first 5k today and it was awesome! It was particularly great because I got to

run it along side my sweet hubby while he pushed our babies in the double jogger.
(I will always refer to my babies as babies. Can't help it.)

I run my 2nd 5k in May on Mother's Day. I can't wait.

Also, I can't upload pictures right now. My camera bit the dust and we haven't invested in a new

one. We're going to Best Buy tonight so we'll see what the hubby thinks.... :)

And because being reminded of this makes me smile the most:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16


  1. Hey Ashley, I tried to add you one time but wasnt ever sure if it was you or not...this is my url :)

    if it doesnt work let me know!

  2. I tried it and it didn't work. That's so weird that it won't work lol We'll figure it out


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