
Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Dreams

I've been consciously trying to enjoy every moment of the day. Trying not to take for granted the amazing things God has given me. To name a few: my sweet babies at the age there are, my husband who is home and safe from war, my health, quiet moments like this one, our loveable handful of a puppy, and many many more as they arise. But sometimes I allow myself a few minutes to dream. And my current dream is camping. Going to the lake with family and friends has been a huge part of my life since I was a baby and my parents took us and locked me up with a lattice fence ha ha. I wish I had a picture of that to post here. I cannot wait to take our boys to the lake and tube and ski. They are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Just like any kid would. My fondest memories of the lake are with my best friend. We used to be (and still could be if given the chance) the tubing champions. We'd go for hours and sing and check out boys ha ha. Man good times. Take me out to the waaake! Take me out to the waves! That one is for you Em. *Side note - We got a new lab top and I don't have my pictures on here so my posts are gonna be a little boring until I get that figured out* I like planning outings and meals and camping is like all of that all weekend or whenever you go. Cute table settings and quiet mornings drinking coffee outside while the world sleeps. Movies inside the camper after a long day on the water and playing cards. Hopefully in a few summers this will be our reality with our family and friends in MO. Until then... :) Enjoying life here in NC!

1 comment:

  1. DUDE BRANSON WAS NOT THE SAME WITHOUT YOU!!! When you come back home, we must tube together and teach isaac the tubing song!! Miss you!


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