
Thursday, October 27, 2011


My heart is heavy today for a family I do not know personally, but through the lovely blog world. Please keep The Byrd Family in your prayers.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith,
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,
despising the shame,
and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It's already Wednesday! Halloween is next Monday and then it's already November! WOW! Since having my sweet babies, the time literally seems to be FLYING! Anyways, as always I'm linking up with Jamie over at This Kind of Love to do another What I'm Loving Wednesday! These are fun :)

After a TON of pinning I finally decided I'm loving my hair blonde and plan on adding some bangs at my appt. in mid November.


These are the inspiration for color and cut I'll take with me :)

I'm loving the weather as always. I like the cool evenings and morning and the 70's when the boys want to play outside in the afternoons.

I'm loving that Mr's company has an FRG meeting tomorrow and we're going to start planning stuff! Fun!

I'm loving all the new blogs I'm finding. I find a new blog I LOVE almost everyday! Awesome :)

I'm loving sleep. I've been so tired lately and I'm glad my boys sleep though the night!

Speaking of my boys! I'm loving them as usual :)

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


What I'm loving Wednesday again with Jamie!

I'm loving Pinterest! I'm not sure I'm doing it right but I'm enjoying what I am doing which is getting lots of inspiration for crafts and future decorating!


I'm loving season 3 of Parenthood. It doesn't come on until 10pm which is a bummer but I love it enough that I'd watch it even if it came on at 2am :)


I will soon be (in a week) loving my position in Mr's company as the FRG hospitality volunteer :) I'm excited to get involved, meet the ladies in the company and I love whipping up welcome baskets for new comers :) should be right up my alley!

I'm loving playing trucks with my little guys. Here are their favorites :)

I'm loving that the high tomorrow is 62! Yay!

And as always I'm loving life with this man. He is truly amazing and I don't praise him enough for what he does for our family. Thank you for leading us babe :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

6 Years of Fun

Today my Maggie dog turns 6 years old!

I begged for a dog for YEARS. And on Christmas day of 2005 I got the best present I'd ever received!

Maggie was my baby until my boys came along. I still love her. She lives with my parents and is my dad's best friend now. Maggie was there for me during the craziness of high school and she was perfect. She could read my emotions and love me accordingly. I will never forget how great she was for me. Luckily my boys love her just as much as me and I hope they have years and years of playing with her ahead :)
Align CenterI love you Maggie May Hoo!
(her full name and yes she was the flower girl in our wedding :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

I Love You So

I can't imagine life

before you came along.

Me there singing senseless

no meaning to my song.

Oh my sweet Buddy Bear. Where has the time gone? Just yesterday you were born and now here you are. Three years old! I just don't believe it. You are the sweetest boy. You are polite and love to give hugs and kisses. You never go a day without telling us you love us all. You are my bug finding, outside playing, bike riding, constantly giggling, monkey loving Isaac. I love you so much!

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I decided to join up with Jamie and do What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving the fall like weather we've been having here in North Carolina for the past week or so!

I'm loving that because of the weather, Mr and I made pumpkin spice lattes Monday!

Of course
I'm loving these three handsome guys!

I'm loving that after blogging for this long I've discovered people I know who blog! YAY!

And finally
I'm loving that I'm co-hosting the next "coffee" at our house with the colonel's wife near Christmas and that I accumulated everything needed to make this tree a reality in my living room!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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