
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013

Our first Christmas back home was a success!
The kids had a blast and were only spoiled a little ;)
We are so grateful to be around our family to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus.
It has always been a blessing to have babies this time of year, because when I hold them, I think about what Mary must have felt holding Jesus on that night.  It's always special :)

Here are the kids watching a Christmas movie the night before Christmas Eve.  They planned the floor bed, not I.

I don't think they love her.....

Christmas Eve evening at Grandma's

My Christmas clown princess.  Such a cutie!

Sitting with Aunt Kathy, not being loved on at all....

Christmas Eve morning at Mom and Dad's.  It was chaotic, but super fun to see the kids getting older and having fun together.

Sweet cousins.  I cannot wait to see them grow up together!

How many more years do you think we'll be able to put them in matching pajamas?
I'm thinking 10 or 11.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Little Bit

Hadley keeps us all entertained to the max around here.  
Even the boys want to sit and play with her!
She makes the funniest face when Chance blows his nose.  She imitates the best she can, and it's adorable!

And then she has this hair.  Since the day she was born, Hadley has had an extra full head of hair.  This picture is fuzzy (she never holds still these days), but this is her entire head of hair up in a ponytail.
I love it :)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

'Tis The Season

We are loving it!
Christmas is so near, and we are spending every minute soaking it in.
I finished all of my finals yesterday.  When the semester started I wasn't sure I'd survive, but I did.  And with good grades.  Woohoo!

Today is my first day home with nothing to do except soak in the cute kiddos.  So here's what we've been doing lately!

Clockwise from top left:
*the boys making Christmas cookies
*Isaac's homemade transformer
*Landon building
*a homemade Spiderman mask
*a last jump into the leaves

Oh happy day!
This baby girl is so fun everyday!
She has learned how to clap and it is just so cute!

Over the next few weeks we have a lot of fun stuff going on with family and friends.  The year is almost over!  Wow!

Monday, December 2, 2013


We had a very relaxing Thanksgiving.  This year we went to my Grandparent's house.
They live on a beautiful property that the kids love to explore!
After eating we went outdoors to explore, then back inside for games and relaxing.  Some of us did more of the relaxing as the pictures will show :)

Aunt Kathy holding Hadley.  Our poor baby girl had a fever and was cranky due to teething, but she is feeling much better now!

My sister's three and two of mine :)

Playing Simon Says.  Or picking noses.  I can't tell....

My Grandpa :)

Like I said...some of us did more relaxing than others....

The pond outside of the house.  It was slightly frozen and beautiful.

My favorite picture from the day

We have so much to be thankful for.  God has blessed our family beyond what we could have ever imagined and we are so grateful that we are home to be around for these times.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Good Couple of Days

I love this time of year.  The Christmas Waltz says it perfectly:

It's that time of year when the world falls in love.
Every song you hear seems to say Merry Christmas may your New Years dreams come true.

Its so hard to be stressed this time of year for me.  School is helping me change that a bit ;)
I felt completely spoiled this weekend.  I turned 25 and spent the past couple of days surrounded by the people I love most in this world.

Friday I played games with some girlfriends and relaxed.

Saturday we hung out at home, watched t.v. and I went running.

Sunday I woke up to beautiful roses and some other birthday goodies.  Then we took family pictures with Chance's side of the family, followed by dinner made by my Mama and hot chocolate cupcakes :) Yum!

Monday I spent the entire day shopping with my sister WITHOUT KIDS! This is Hadley shopping on Saturday afternoon :)  And the spoiling doesn't end here.  Friday I'm seeing Catching Fire with my BFF (ha ha I never say BFF, but it's who she is), and Saturday Chanciepants is taking me out to the restaurant we've celebrated my birthday at for 5 or 6 years.  Ah!  It certainly is the most wonderful time of the year!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


...for the holidays.
Thanksgiving is so close, and then Christmas follows close behind.
The other night I was kind of stressing talking to my hubby about the Christmas list and how I want to get what shopping we are doing out of the way so we can enjoy the time with family.
He mentioned ever so nicely that I might be giving too much attention to it already.
My instant reaction was, "No I am not!"
Mature I know.

Though, after thinking on it for a few days, I do want to use it as a reminder to remember the reason for the season.  And I'm not talking about pilgrims.
I want to make Jesus the focus of this season and our lives.

And I realize these are all pictures of baby Hadley.
I need to take more of the boys.  I know Dad!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Isaac's 5th Birthday Party

I am an in-the-moment person.
This is great for the kiddos.
Unfortunately, it means there aren't any pictures taken.
I did manage to get the one below on my phone, but that is truly it.  Oops...
We took Isaac and all of his cousins to the pumpkin patch near our home.  It was a blast!
Then we headed to church for pizza, cupcakes and presents.  It was simple and Isaac loved it.  
That makes me happy :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

UCM Homecoming

A few weeks ago we went to the UCM Homecoming Parade.
It was very fun with the chilly weather, fall colors and all of the babies together.  My sister came down with her kiddos (he firefighter hubby was working) and we all went together with our parents.
The kids were in paradise with all of the candy they caught.
I have mentioned how blessed we are to be home, but it is moments like this that remind me God's plan is always better than our own.  So thankful we followed His direction in this.
Here are some fun photos from the day!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 27: Place of Birth {31 Days of My Babies}

Landon was born in Sierra Vista, AZ.
This was our first Army station.  It was a very small hospital and the only one for about 100 miles.
Not scary at all :)
I had the quickest labor ever, and we barely made it to the hospital in time for Landon do make his debut.
Luckily we did make it, and he was born in a hospital room that was doubling as storage.
He was ready to come into this world and they didn't have a regular room ready.
Fortunately, it only took them about 10 minutes after he was born to clean the room up and make it comfortable.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 26: Place of Birth {31 Days of My Babies}

Isaac was born in my home town in Missouri, but he spent all of him time at Children's Mercy in Kansas City.
Both hospitals were great.  Children's Mercy was amazing and took great care of our sick little guy until he was ready to come home.  We are forever thankful for the staff there.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 25: Place of Birth {31 Days of My Babies}

Princess Hadley was born in North Carolina.
Our adventures in the Army sent us here (as you all know already).
The hospital was nice enough, which is probably not what you want to say about your hospital, but it served a lot of people. It was not always great about being on time, but they took good care of Hadders and I, and I couldn't be more grateful.

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