
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Baby Stuff and Pumpkins

I look forward to what is coming a lot.  And I talk about it on the blog a lot.  Sometimes I forget to not wish away time.  I am reminded on every baby's birthday and holiday just how fast it is actually going.  Trying to live more in the moment here.  
Even if the moments are filled with a sick cranky 2 year old :)

I've done a few things for sister's arrival.  Mostly buy cute clothes I can't resist!  Chance is thrilled!
I finished the yarn wrapped letters.  They seem a little plain so I may add some flowers made out of the material below if I have extra after making the crib bumpers and covering the glider.
I love the soft girly-ness (that's a word right? of course!) of the faded flowers and of course the pink and purple of it.

  I'm going to soak up all of her cute cuddly softness before her brothers get a hold of her and turn her into a tomboy.  Which I'm totally cool with :)
I grew up with one sister so it will be very interesting to see this sibling dynamic.  

On that note:
My sister has 2 boys and a girl as well.  Her 4 year old Aidan is 6 months and 1 day older than Isaac and Corbin is about 6 weeks older than Landon.
Sweet Paislee will be about 1 year and 4 months older than our baby girl, but I have no doubt that they will grow up best friends :)  Especially if we live near St. Joseph....
Dreaming :)
Here those cuties are from oldest to youngest.

Oh how I can't wait to kiss all those sweet cheeks!

Some of the shopping I've done.  I've been put on hold for a while.  Luckily Paislee will be sharing her amazing wardrobe with us.  

Landon and I did a little fall photo shoot on the front porch this morning.  He isn't feeling well so anything that keeps him from being grumpy is fine with me.  If he wants to hug a pumpkin, he's getting to hug a pumpkin!

This guy :)


And this was him telling me he was ready to go eat some oatmeal and watch Mickey.  

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; 
let them say among the nations, "The Lord reigns!"
1 Chronicles 16:31


  1. I spend a lot of time looking forward to things in the future, too!

    I love your pumpkins :)

  2. those pumpkins turned out adorable :) Looks like such a fun outing! I totally am relating to you right now about living in the moment and not wishing your life away. I am trying to do that right now with my husband in Law school and me working all the time and trying to find time now that we can enjoy each other without "wanting it to be done" savor the moment your in :)

  3. I am loving the verse and chevron pumpkins!!


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