
Friday, October 5, 2012


Most everyone who will read this already knows we are having a baby girl in just 4 months (probably a week or two shorter even).  We are over the moon excited to be adding a sweet girl to our family!  Since finding out over a week ago I have jumped right into nursery decorating, clothes buying, and daydreaming of tutus and hair bows!  My girl will definitely be a baby who is decked out in pink a lot and ruffles.  

Since finding out about Isaac over 4 years ago, I have hoped for a girl.  God's timing is perfect though and this is obviously how He saw our family forming.  I want all of our babies to know how much I love them for who they are and how much I loved carrying each of them inside of me for the amount of time I did.  Ok...enough of the sappy stuff.  

I started this to-do list in my head the day I found out I was pregnant in June.  But now I have it in writing!  Here is what I have to get done in these few short months that I still have energy.

*paint bouncy seat frame white
*recover bouncy seat with purple material
*buy material for:  bumper pads, curtains, valances, glider, picture frames, changing pad
*sew ruffles onto dust ruffle 
*cover bumper pads (tutorial on Pinterest)
*wrap yarn letters
*cover glider
*paint glider frame white
*buy changing pad
*sew changing pad cover (tutorial on Pinterest)
*cover picture frames to pin on photos
*buy changing table (I love Craigslist for this reason)
*basket for changing table
*make crystal mobile (Pinterest)

So this list seems short now that I type it out but I tend to add more before I get it all accomplished.  I hope to get it all done by Christmas so I can have the last month to just sit and relax while waiting for this little one's arrival :)

1 comment:

  1. So many fun girly projects!! Can't wait for you to post them!


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