
Friday, May 31, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday everyone!

Oh this is a happy Friday indeed.  The first child-free vacation since our honeymoon starts this afternoon :)

So I'm linking up with A. Liz Adventures (and some other awesome blogs) to tell you about the goodness around here!

Sweet baby Hadley had some sleeping issues last night.
We survived the first 7-8 weeks of her life where she woke up every hour our two to eat, but one bad night after almost 2 months of sleeping 10-12 hours kills me!
She's worth it though :)  Obviously.
This guy melts my heart (and the hearts of his grandparents).  Isaac was mentioned in our Church's newsletter by a youth worker as someone who stands up and isn't afraid to share how much they love God.  When these moments arrive I can't help but shed a tear and know that he really does listen sometimes.
God is good and my buddy bear knows it :)
Attractive picture huh?  Well this has been his mood lately.  My cuddly little Landon has been stressed out recently.  Constant screaming and fit throwing.  Some days it feels like he's growing up too fast.  Other days I want to plan his 3rd birthday party.  Oh two year olds :) 
I get to start working on my degree again.  I'm taking some online classes this summer and in the fall the real fun begins.  I've been working on my degree since 2007.  I took a lot of time off for kids and switched majors twice.  It was definitely worth it.  Now in a few years I can be a teacher.  It will be grand :)
How fun is this guy?  Ha!  Who wouldn't want to go to the lake with a dude this handsome and serious about a game of wiffle ball?
Less than 10 hours!

(6.  I'm losing weight {hooray!} and documenting the journey at:

For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God  And the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I love doing these Wednesday posts with Jamie!
Go join in the fun!

I'm loving these three cuties!
Have you seen the pictures on Pinterest where they re-create a photo like 20 years later?  I like this one for that ha ha

Here my dad and Chance are comparing knives.  Men.  
But I'm loving the time they're spending together :)

I'm loving that Isaac has conquered his intense fear of bugs.  
I on the other hand have not. 
Glad I have one more guy to squish them for me :)

Two more days and I'm going to be loving a peaceful weekend here... celebrate (early) 5 years married to this handsome man that I love!

 Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mud and Cuteness

A fantastic weekend was had by all around here!  
We played outside, had a cookout or two (which I didn't get a single picture of. boo) & jumped in the mud!

These boys are too much sometimes. Isaac has a new found love of worms too.  More on that tomorrow :)

How about this slobbery little one!  She is such a doll and we seriously can't get enough of her around here.  A doll I tell you!  Here she is drooling all over her daddy's hands :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

I pray that today during our barbecues and gatherings we can remember why we celebrate today.

I want to dedicate this post to Lt. Col. Roy L. Tisdale.

He was Chance's battalion commander and Chance was his S2.

My husband says Col. Tisdale was great at his job and fun to work with.

Col. Tisdale was shot during a safety briefing at Fort Bragg last June.
To read more on the story go here.

Please keep his family and all of those who have lost a soldier they loved in your thoughts and prayers.

You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle.  Are they not in your book?  Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call.  
This I know, that God is for me.
Psalm 56:8-9

Friday, May 24, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday!

I can't believe how fast the weeks are flying.  June is next week?  WHAT!?!?!

Anyways, here's my 5 on Friday and jump back over to Darci's blog where she's hosting this shindig with some of my other favorite bloggers!

(Clockwise from the tippity top!)
1.  Two of my handsome Fishermen learning the finer points of fishing.  The picture looks posed but I attest it is not!

2.  I've been married to that guy for almost 5 years.  I probably shouldn't feel old but I do.

3.  We're getting ready for the lake in a week with no kiddos!  We haven't had a kid-free vaca since our honeymoon.  I love our babies, but we could use a little quiet!

4.  We were able to spend Tuesday at my grandparent's home.  It is so peaceful there.  We fished, rode tractors and talked.  I love those people.

5.  Over the last week or two I have caught all of the babies sleeping precariously.  Aren't they a hoot?

Love one another with brotherly affection.  Outdo one another in showing honor.
Romans 12:10

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Want to Call This a Good Week

But I know that it hasn't been for everyone in my country.  
My heart has been aching for those affected by the tornado in OK.
I was reading Megan's blog and if you are looking for a way to help someone out who was caught right in the middle of that devastating twister, here is a family who could use your prayers or even a donation.  

Megan has a legitimate PayPal donation set up here for this family.  I cannot imagine the sadness they must feel. 
 Praying for them and everyone in Moore. 

praying for moore oklahoma
(I cannot for the life of me find the creator of this image.  If you know please tell me so I can credit them.)

Around here we are continuing to enjoy just playing.
I am finding peace and contentment in our current situation.  I know God has us here during this time in our life for something important.  We are enjoying playing with grandparents and great-grandparents.  We are sitting outside with no where to go.  It's nice :)

Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.
Romans 15:2

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Struggle

Trying to please everyone.

I have literally been trying to make every person I meet or already know, happy with who I am.

It is exhausting.  When I'm alone I think about the things I said or did and wonder if the people I was with approve.  Did I hurt their feelings?  Did I offend them?  Are they going to hate me? 

God has shown me something recently.  I've been spending more time in His word and I know that I am not living for Him.  I should be less concerned with people's opinions of me and more attuned to His thinking of me.  I know that the way I live sometimes is not what God wants from me.  It's not what I want from me either.

I don't know why I am scared.  Scared to live out loud on fire for my God.  I'm scared some people I love won't understand since I'm not always "all in" for my Savior.  I'm scared they won't forgive me and they'll only see me as a hypocrite.

I do know that I should not be scared.  Living for God is worth any pain or struggle.  I want my kids to have a great example of how to live for God and to know that it is worth it.

I am willing to endure for Him.  I want to love Him with every part of my life.  I will fall and fail over and over, but with His forgiveness and love I can make it. 

It is worth it.

For you were called to freedom, brothers.  Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. 
Galatians 5:13

Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Privilege

Being the mother of these three amazing gifts.

Isaac, Landon and Hadley.
They are beyond what I could have ever dreamed up.

I get stressed very easily with the day-to-day things like cleaning, laundry, our living situation.
The list could go on and on.

But all of these things are so unimportant compared to my calling.
And I truly believe that is what God has me here for.
To teach my sweet babies who He is and to love them with all of my heart.

I am forever grateful for getting to be the mother of these children.
I pray they know everyday of their lives how much I love them and more importantly, how much God loves them.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Random Lately

We have been enjoying our free time very much around here.  Chance's parents gave us Worlds of Fun/Oceans of Fun season passes for the family at Christmas.  So we have been taking advantage of those with my sister-in-law Robbie and her son Dez!

I can't stand how cute my guys are in these photos!
Look at how much fun their handsome Daddy is having :)

Friday night myMother and I went through their attic to get ready for the central heat and air unit being put in soon.  Here are some throwback photos of my Mom's family.

(Clockwise from top left)
Grandpa Marvin, My beautiful Mother, Grandma Patty and Grandpa Marvin, Great-Grandma Hoos

Last week I hung out with the girls on Chance's side of the family.  I've missed being able to see them all, but that's all over now!  I hope we get together like this often.  They are an entertaining bunch :)

We also had sick babies here this weekend.  Isaac is slowly getting over it, but Landon's nose started to run last night.  I pray it doesn't get to Hadley.  She's been doing well in her laundry basket :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

To My Mommies

To all of the Mothers who have made me into the woman I am today and helped me grow my own babies in love:

Thank you.

I love you all so much and am so thankful God chose you to be in my life this way.

And especially to my own Mom.  Thank you for being there every time I need you.  You have taught me so much, but most importantly you taught me to love Jesus and to put Him first.  There is nothing greater you could have done for me.

I love you.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm linking up with Jamie at This Kind of Love 
to let you all know what I'm loving today collage style!

(clockwise from top right)

1.  I'm loving that my hubby has good taste in literature.  He recommended this book and so far so good!  Now if I could just get him to read Nicholas Sparks ;)

2.  I'm also loving watching the kids outside.  They would live out there if they could.  Some days I think about letting them...

3.  I'm really loving that we've had the last snow of the season.  I can't believe it snowed in May.  Come on Missouri!

 (clockwise from top right)

1.  I'm loving that our baseball team is actually doing well so far!  It probably won't last, but we're going to catch a few games anyways.  Can't wait to take our 4 year old.  Any Royals fans out there?

2.  I'm also loving the time my babies are getting with their grandparents.  Being home is awesome!

3.  And of course I'm loving my sweet little family.  Even with the faces they are all making.  Real life right there folks!

I hope you're all having a blessed Wednesday so far!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Giant Jenga

Last week we went to game night with our Sunday school class.  Isaac tagged along and was an angel.  It's nice to be able to give our kids time alone with us without siblings once in a while.

I'm really loving the friends we're making.  There are a few couples we have known for years in there too that it's been great catching up with.  Have I mentioned how glad I am to be home yet? ;)

We ate desserts and then played Giant Jenga.  Yes.  We played with huge wood blocks stacked in threes.  I know we played for at least an hour and a half.  It may have been two hours.  I'll let the pictures tell you who won between the guys and girls :)

No one paying attention.  This is after I said, "guys look over here".
Isaac teaching Mark how to play
Sarah and Isaac watching the game.  Headless Brent in the back.
Chance trying to steady the wobbly blocks.   Apparently the rules are slightly different in the Giant Jenga.
Ouch!  Those are solid wood too! 

Lot's of fun.  Next month we're going to the Royals game together.  So blessed to be around these folks.
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