
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I like it! I love it!

The title is this because I recently found out my husband is a hillbilly. Enough on that.

This weekend ended well. Sunday Isaac found his sweet self again which made this house happier. The biggest news is that we have a house in NC waiting for us!
We can't wait to get there and move into a house with carpet! I reeeeally miss carpet. We leave here in 21 days!!!!!!! Anyways, that is what is new today. Finally got orders Friday. Oh and on a sad note, our poor Jayhawks didn't survive on Sunday. Shocking but I still love them and so do my boys. I got a letter from my Grandma today. Pretty much made the day awesome! And we had steak and potatoes out on the patio for dinner. That was also nice. I'm watching Mr cuddle with Isaac on the couch and it makes my heart melt. It also makes me sleepy. So I'll post more tomorrow or Thursday. Enjoy some pictures from our weekend!

Our dresser before and after. I honetly know nothing about an awesome paint job and cool techniques but I think it'll do for a while until I get the courage to do something like this again.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


That is how I feel today. I feel like the devil won in every part of my day. I won't go into all the details but we all lost our tempers more than once and ISAAC IS 2 YEARS OLD! Enough said? Probably but I have more so if you don't feel like it, don't read on. I'm having a really hard time staying positive.
Isaac is now screaming in his room. This is something he never does. He has gone to bed like a champ since he was 7 months old. Only when moving here did he wake up early a few times while getting used to the new house and a few nights after he switched to a big boy bed he woke in the middle of the night. But what he is doing now is just absurd. Mr and I are both having a hard time handling the stress going on around here. I know we'll get through it. I have no doubt in my mind but I do feel defeated and that just stinks. I'm blessed to know that tomorrow is a new day that my Lord has made and I can make it a good one if I put him first. Maybe that was the problem today......

Thursday, March 24, 2011


New couches and chair are fantastic. Love them! Still need some more nice throw pillows.

I did a little photo shoot with the kiddos this morning. Isaac couldn't stop looking at Landon and Landon was a ham which I love :)

And this last picture is me losing their attention and trying to get away!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Couches, Houses and Bugs, OH MY!

I like that I can sum up my post with a title before even writing it out :)
Our couches come today. When Mr and I got married his parents were very gracious to give us a large couch and a nice big reclining chair. Since then, 2 babies have been fed there, released different "substances" onto it, slept on it and many a friend and family member has sat there. I'm sitting here looking at the couch from across the room (where we shoved it to make room for the new) and I realize how much I may miss it. Is that silly? Yes, I'm pretty sure it is since I've been whining for a new couch for over a year now. But being my sentimental self I think I may cry when we sell it or drop it somewhere. Isaac loves it. He can take all the cushins off in 5 minutes flat and he loves that. I will miss it because it was our first one as a family (man as I write this I feel ridiculous for missing a couch. But continuing anyways) and I have TONS of pictures of baby Isaac laying on it. As much as I'll miss it, I also don't mind saying goodbye!

We're looking at houses off post in NC. We have one that we sent an application in on. We really like it. Our plan is to live in this house the entire time we're in NC because moving ourselves just isn't in the cards for us.

Bugs. Need I say more? Black widow in here the other day I think I mentioned. The bug man came to spray this morning so hopefully that will last a month before we can get out of here!

A little on "here". When we first moved to the brown, dry, HOT Fort Huachuca I hated it! I hated the hot, the lack of grass, lack of shopping, etc. But now a year has gone by. Our life has changed a lot since we got here. Baby Landon being the biggest change. And I've realized (and maybe Mr has too) that what we want in a town has changed as well. I like it here now because it is small. We have gone to a church that is just like ours from home. Our pastor is funny,, and worship is just great! Sierra Vista, while kind of sketchy at times, is right for us. We love Target (which we hopefully don't live as close to in NC because we love is so much), we love the parks, and the restaurant available. Point of this story that I've drug on about is that we are going to miss parts of this place. But not the bugs. Thats for sure!

Mr reading to his boys!

Mr posing for me Papa and Isaac last summer in Tombstone

Bibi (as Buddy calls him) Landon this morning

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Only 28 days until we blow this popsicle stand! WOOHOO! Ok. I'm kind of excited. We're in the process of searching for houses right now. We have a very nice friend now in NC willing to look at them for us which is such a blessing. All we need to is get the house ready to move and set up all the moving stuff. I make that sound like a small job. We shall see.

I feel like maybe my mother is the only one who reads this and when I think that way I don't want to write anything because she probably already knows everything I write. Love ya mom! :)

I'm going to sitck with this even if I can't get pictures up. There is always facebook for that. What I don't understand is how easy it looks for everyone else. Some people post pics everyday and I love that. That is half the reason I love reading their blogs. Speaking of blogs (as I have been so far this entire post), I have found so many christian woman bloggers through this. I absolutely love reading what they have to say and hearing their encouraging words. Most of them are moms too and they help me feel real and human.

Landon is an angel. I hope he stays this way forever! Perhaps Landon and Isaac will be polar opposites personality wise. Isaac is an angel too. Just the kind of angel that is 2 years old :) I sometimes forget that he is just a little guy and doesn't truly want to drive his mommy crazy. I love my sweet babies. They're my world and I'm not sure what I would do all day without diapers to change and kiddos to read books to. Praying the next few months aren't too hard on them with all the car rides and moving.

Mr only has 2 1/2 weeks of real class left and then a two day week which includes graduation! I'm so proud of him. He is one of the only (or the only one maybe) with kids in his class. Most people are either single or came here without their family. So when he gets home from class he can't just do homework and then go to bed. He spends time with his babies and me of course ha ha and then does homework. We'll all be veeeeery glad when this class is over. It has been a trip for sure :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Love You Monkey

This is what buddy bear said while at the zoo on Wednesday. On the ride up there he kept saying "mokey? touch?" over and over. It was cute of course. The zoo was fun. The animals are close enough to touch. On the way home we got stuck behind a huge accident and spent a good 3 hours just sitting in the car in traffic. Woooonderful. Tomorrow we're going to IKEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't be more excited! Hopefully we'll find that the couches we like are up to our standards and cute like the pictures! We shall see. I'm positive so that is good! We're leaving this desert in 32 days! Man I'm stoked.

P.S. I can NOT get blogger to upload pictures. That is half the reason I quit bloggin last time. Any tips from other bloggers? Maybe it is my lame old computer.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog Stalking

Since I don't have many followers (besides real life friends) I tend to spend the majority of my blog life reading other's blogs. I came across a blog today that I've seen before but not for a while. She is a christian woman and I just love reading what she has to say. She is encouraging and real. She had a link to her friend's posts. What she had to say was truly awesome! So if you would like to read what she had to say, you can read her post.

Today we're all going to the zoo! We took Isaac last summer, but he's grown up so much that he'll enjoy it even more this time around! And I love the zoo :) I'll post pictures after we go but for now here is one of my old favorites.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pots and Pans

I can't figure out how to get pictures to come at the end so here they are first just some random ones :)
Buddy and Landon
Buddy and one of his Papas

Buddy playing in birdseed and loving it!

Buddy and his dad inside a large truck tire in Bisbee

If you're taking the time to read this you probably already know of my distaste for bugs of any kind. Since November of 2010 our house has been bug free. That happiness ended last week when I found a roach oh about this size ______________________________________ crawling in my utensil drawere. By the time Mr came from the other room to kill it the little booger had ran away. Then just yesterday when I had forgotten about him and could again walk around with no shoes and open drawers without jumping 5 feet in the air, I open the dishwasher to find one crawling on my cups! SO frustrating! Chance came to get it and it jumped on him but finally the thing is gone. I don't appreciate anything that can live through the pots and pans cycle. I hope no one loves bugs and is offended. Roaches and bugs of any kind really are not welcome here and will be killed :) I wish I could get over my fear of them really though. I wish I could kill them myself and then be able to relax after I've seen one. After 22 years of life I still can not do it. Oh well. A goal to strive towards.

Aunt Rayna made it! There were some flight problems because of snow but we made it here eventually (snow in MO not here). Isaac and Landon are gonna have so much fun, as well as us! We love company!

My best friend is getting married in 82 days! I've always been excited but now I'm planning the trip home for it and putting other things together and I just can't wait. I'm so happy for her and her guy and it makes me feel all grown up ha ha. Now to work on that baby situation.....

Friday, March 11, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-in

I'm linking up with Wife of a Sailor for this fun post today but I don't know how to make her blog title a hyperlink (any help would be appreciated)!

1. During military separations (whether short or long) how do you keep yourself positive and motivated? submitted by Married/Single Parent

Hmm....well I guess during our first (and only really) time of being separated I stayed positive by stay busy and being with family.

2. What is your favorite concert you have ever been to? submitted by Young but Not (Completely) Dumb
Trans Siberian Orchestra my junior year of high school I think?
3. What do you miss most about your “hometown”? submitted by A Florida Girl and Her Soldier
The weather! I miss having every season!
4. If you could run in any race, which charity would you choose to support? submitted by Wookie & Co.
Ronald McDonald House because they took really good care of us when Isaac was a NICU baby.
5. You find out Willy Wonka is your father, what 3 course meal do you INSIST he create in that stick of gum? submitted by A{muse}ing Mommy on a Pink Park Bench
Grandma Hoos' clam chowder, ribs, and cheese cake!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Fever!

I've got blog fever! I've had a blog for almost a year now and I think I may have done 10 or 11 posts. Hmmm. Hoping I can do a better job now. I read blogs everyday and I ooo and aaah over how pretty they are and how fun it is to read others blogs. Yet, I never jump back onto mine and write something. I think that is because I feel like I have nothing worthy to write. I now realize that I do. I have a "real life" friend who has a blogger blog :), I can have blog friends if I start commenting and such (that requires not being lazy), and if all else fails I know my wonderful mother and maybe grandmother too will read :) I can always put a link on Facebook too I guess but that may bring too many readers ha ha. Anyway so here is my first post on this new blog.

Today a neighbor is coming over to have coffee. It is nice to have Army friends who know what you're going through. Here at our first Army post life has been different from what I imagine the "real" Army life will be like. Our husbands graduated OCS together, we all moved onto the same street at the same time, and now we're all leaving at the same time. It is weird truly. I'm glad we had this time though. It was like a practice run of this lifestyle.

Anyway, I'm still trying to do WW. Kind of. I'm not trying that hard. I know I could do it better because before Thanksgiving I was. I just need to really want it and put my heart into it. That's all on that.

The baby boys are doing great. Isaac......well he is going through a rough patch. He's got A LOT of energy (more than usual) and we're having trouble keeping up. Thankfully I forget all the trouble when I tuck him in at night and he pulls my face to his and kisses me and tells me he loves me. Nothing is better :) Landon, Landyboo, Poo Poo (as Nini called him the other day) is doing great. He's an angel and I can't get enough of his sweet chubby face. Aunt Rayna comes in 3 days and though Isaac doesn't realize now, he's in for lots of fun. We're excited to have company again. I think we've been blessed with how often we've been visited by our family. I REEEAAALLLLYYY like visitors :) FYI folks!

I'm debating whether or not to post a link to this on FB. I'm not sure people will care, but I'm going to anyways I think since no one is forced to read. I leave you with a verse I read this morning :) Have a great Thursday!

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfullness."
Lamentations 3:22-23

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