
Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Fever!

I've got blog fever! I've had a blog for almost a year now and I think I may have done 10 or 11 posts. Hmmm. Hoping I can do a better job now. I read blogs everyday and I ooo and aaah over how pretty they are and how fun it is to read others blogs. Yet, I never jump back onto mine and write something. I think that is because I feel like I have nothing worthy to write. I now realize that I do. I have a "real life" friend who has a blogger blog :), I can have blog friends if I start commenting and such (that requires not being lazy), and if all else fails I know my wonderful mother and maybe grandmother too will read :) I can always put a link on Facebook too I guess but that may bring too many readers ha ha. Anyway so here is my first post on this new blog.

Today a neighbor is coming over to have coffee. It is nice to have Army friends who know what you're going through. Here at our first Army post life has been different from what I imagine the "real" Army life will be like. Our husbands graduated OCS together, we all moved onto the same street at the same time, and now we're all leaving at the same time. It is weird truly. I'm glad we had this time though. It was like a practice run of this lifestyle.

Anyway, I'm still trying to do WW. Kind of. I'm not trying that hard. I know I could do it better because before Thanksgiving I was. I just need to really want it and put my heart into it. That's all on that.

The baby boys are doing great. Isaac......well he is going through a rough patch. He's got A LOT of energy (more than usual) and we're having trouble keeping up. Thankfully I forget all the trouble when I tuck him in at night and he pulls my face to his and kisses me and tells me he loves me. Nothing is better :) Landon, Landyboo, Poo Poo (as Nini called him the other day) is doing great. He's an angel and I can't get enough of his sweet chubby face. Aunt Rayna comes in 3 days and though Isaac doesn't realize now, he's in for lots of fun. We're excited to have company again. I think we've been blessed with how often we've been visited by our family. I REEEAAALLLLYYY like visitors :) FYI folks!

I'm debating whether or not to post a link to this on FB. I'm not sure people will care, but I'm going to anyways I think since no one is forced to read. I leave you with a verse I read this morning :) Have a great Thursday!

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfullness."
Lamentations 3:22-23


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